Fees & Services

Description of Services

Living one’s own life, raising children, exploring one’s gender, or grappling with issues in the workplace, in academic settings, in the family, or just out in the world can create stress, anxiety, and suffering. The psychological services I offer involve both short-term and long-term interventions to “untie the knots” or remove the psychological roadblocks that prevent someone from moving forward in their life or from continuing to grow and develop. Integrating a social systems and psychodynamic approach, I offer both short- and long-term psychotherapy, short-term consultation, and ongoing “on-call” services.

When working individually with children, I ask for parents’ participation in parent meetings so that we can collaborate in doing what’s best for their child. The work typically begins with a parent meeting and then three or more initial sessions with the child to determine the best treatment plan.

In addressing gender issues in children and adolescents, every effort is made to include all family members in the work, with opportunity for individual sessions for the child, parent consultations (which are often conducted in lieu of seeing the child directly), meetings with siblings, grandparents, and any other significant others engaged in the child’s life.  The goal is to sort out any gender conundrums, reduce gender stress, enhance gender resilience, and affirm and/or strengthen parent, school, and community acceptance and support..

In working with families of divorce, I offer individual therapy to children so that they have a “room of their own” to sort out their experience, co-parenting counseling and consultation to parents, and developmental consultations.

My individual work with adults typically involves open-ended psychotherapy where it is mutually determined by myself and the person seeking services as to the long-term or short-term nature of the problem and the most advantageous or feasible frequency of meetings. I also offer consultation services, when there is a particular problem of focus, such as a specific concern about one’s child and his or her development.


Typically, a specific ongoing appointment time is established and people are asked to give 24 hours notice if they need to cancel an appointment. Less than 24 hours notice results in a charge for the missed session.

People have the option of paying at the time of session or receiving a monthly bill at their last session of the month, with payment due by the first week of the following month.

  • Gender Explained

    2024 Publication  Diane Ehrensaft and Michelle Jurkiewicz:  Gender Explained: A New Understanding of Identity in a Gender Creative World, New York:  The Experiment, with forward by Dr. Stephen Rosenthal.

    Book Cover for Gender Explained

    Purchase your copy

    This is the book I wish I’d had when my own child told me, at age three, that she wasn’t the gender I believed her to be.  If you’re scared and confused because your child is saying things about gender that you never expected to hear, this is the book for you.”

    Marlo Mack, author of
    How to Be a Girl

    A thorough, evenhanded illumination of a contentious topic imbued with compassion and cleareyed data.”

    — Kirkus Reviews

    Gender Explained” is the perfect antidote to the current state of widespread confusion about gender.  Ehrensaft and Jurkiewicz’s careful, thoughtful, and well-researched approach to the topic of gender cuts through a sea of misinformation.”

    — Sabra L. Katz-Wise, Ph.D., Associate professor at Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School

    In Gender Explained, Ehrensaft and Jurkiewicz have taken a hot button issue and eloquently turned down the heat.”

    —Joel Baum, Director of Education at the Child and Adolescent Gender Center, UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital

    Empathic and accessible, Gender Explained helped me see ‘the other side’ of the gender debate. It acknowledges fear and concern that many people face and helps us expand our view of gender.”

    —Ximena Lopez, MD, pediatric endocrinologist

    Gender Explained reveals how our thinking about gender has changed through the lens and voices of patients, parents, and those who care for gender creative children.”

    —Norman Spack, MD endocrinologist at Boston Children’s Hospital

  • The Gender Creative Child

    Gender Creative Child_cover_FIN

    Purchase your copy

    Diane Ehrensaft’s publication of The Gender Creative Child: Pathways for Nurturing and Supporting Children who Live outside Gender Boxes, New York: The Experiment, 2016, with a foreword by Dr. Norman Spack.

    “The Gender Creative Child is an invaluable resource for families and practitioners wanting to understand the complexity and beauty of gender development and the value of affirmative care. I’m struck that Dr. Ehrensaft’s most revolutionary idea is also her most straightforward—if we really learn how to listen to our children, they will tell us what they need.”

    —Aron Janssen, MD, director and founder NYU Gender and Sexuality Service

    “The Gender Creative Child should be required reading for all therapists, pediatricians, and K-12 educators and for parents whose children express their gender differently from societal expectations. Diane Ehrensaft deftly shows that many trans and gender-nonconforming children can be identified from a young age and how critical it is to provide support to them.”

    —Genny Beemyn, PhD, trans educator and coauthor of The Lives of Transgender People

    “Dr. Ehrensaft explains gender and children like no one can. She equips adults to understand and support gender-expansive children the way they deserve to be. This book is the newest must-have for every LGBTQ library and a must-read for every adult with a child in their life.”

    —Lori Duron, author of Raising My Rainbow

    Go to “Books” tab to find out more information about The Gender Creative Child.